Our technologies offer
Our team has delivered BI projects across a variety of business units, for companies spanning many industries. We help our customers to translate their business objectives into measurable KPIs and Metrics and confidently make faster decisions to drive their businesses forward, detect errors, and streamline functions and operational processes.
We apply data modelling best practices to ensure that data can be collected and presented in a way that captures business requirements and performance indicators. Our solutions provide timely information to users across the organisation, and we develop statistical models using historical data to expose trends and insights that help to predict future success.
Our team has worked with many data visualisation tools, but we specialise in Microsoft Power BI for attention grabbing interactive visualisations that allow users to analyse trends, drill down to understand the details, or conduct ad-hoc analysis in a self-service capacity.
With guidance from your users, we develop dashboards that capture the most important information and visualisations in one place and make them readily available on desktop and mobile devices.
Some of our clients also have regulatory oversight that requires time-sensitive reports in PDF or Excel format that must be recorded in a data governance framework and subjected to regular auditing. For these highly-formatted paginated reports, we have delivered successful projects using Microsoft Power BI paginated reporting, SQL Server Reporting Services, and IBM Cognos tools. These reports can be delivered on a fixed schedule, generated on demand, or automatically distributed in response to an event.
We develop solutions that collate all of the information collected across your organisation, giving leaders a holistic view of the company operations, and enabling detailed analytics that adapt to changing company objectives.
Our team will work with your data custodians to acquire data in a robust and automated manner, ensuring that reports and analytics remain up to date.
We have extensive experience with many of the leading ETL tools, working with on-premises and cloud vendors, to deliver reliable, governed solutions. We can also provide guidance on self-service solutions, allowing your teams to manage their own data processing and integration.